Since I started The Eavestrough Company 16 years ago, I have done thousands of quotes and have been asked a boat load of different questions. But I think the most common question I am asked is Do gutter guards really work?
The Gutter Guard industry, has become a multi-million dollar industry. There are the VERY EXPENSIVE micro-mesh and reverse curve gutter protection companies like Leaf Filter, Leaf Guard, Raptor Gutter Guard, Armour Guard, and Gutter Glove, just to name a few. Then there are the cheaper and completely horrible plastic products, foam filters, large holed screens, and gutter brushes. Then there are the affordable quality products like the perforated metal screens made by Alu-Rex.
I've seen dozens of different kinds of gutter protection. Most of them, in my opinion, are nothing more than expensive gimmicks sold by people who know nothing about eavestroughs. Others I shake my head at and wonder how any one could think it would work let alone being the company who could sell such a pathetic product.
So now let's answer the question, DO GUTTER GUARDS REALLY WORK? My answer is YES. There are gutter guards that actually work and work well. However, there are some that fail abysmally. Many people have been burned by these products and are convinced all gutter guards are trash. You've heard the saying, "Good news travels but bad news travels faster." This is true in the gutter protection industry. There are plenty of garbage products on the market. Most of these are sold in big box stores or at Home Shows.
I like Gutter Guards. I have them on my own house and I have installed a certain brand of gutter guards on thousands of homes. The product I now use solely is Alu-Rex. Why have I settled on Alu-Rex Gutter Guards? There are several reasons.
1. It works.
2. It's simple.
3. It doesn't cost an arm, a leg and your first born!
4. It is not dealer dependent (like all Micro meshes and Reverse curve gutter protections)
5. They have one fabulous warranty!
6. I have been to the head office and factory in Quebec City. The people that run Alu-Rex, Tomy Brochu, Sebastian Gerard, and my sales representative, Andrew Burton, are some of the most knowledgable and authentic people in the eavestrough business.
So yes, in conclusion, Gutter Guards do work and if you choose the right one, you will have no worries.
Before I finish this article, I should inform all American readers that Alu-Rex is sold in the USA but under a different name. The product in the USA is distributed by PlyGem and is called Leaf Relief.
If you have any questions, please reply to this post in the comments section. Don't worry if you don't see your comments right away, I edit them because some people and companies love to spam my blog with all kinds of wonderful stuff. You can also call us at 905-966-2564 or visit our website at The Eavestrough Company would love to provide you with a quote for all your eavestrough, fascia, soffit, siding or gutter protection needs.